Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Lets Talk Bible Talk - The Message & The Method

Some people say only the message is sacred but the reality is, the message, the messenger, and the method the message is delivered are all sacred.

Those who carry God's Message that contains an extraordinary plan, will avoid a disaster if it's carried as Timothy was counseled: STUDY... and HANDLE it CORRECTLY ! 2Tim. 2:15

Both the message of The Bible and the method of spreading that message are sacred. Many times churches will try to say that only the message is sacred.
When we read The Bible we see That God commands what we say and how we are to say it, thus both the message and the method are included as directives from God.

The Ark of The Covenant was built as a Testament to The Presence of God in Israel.  God gave specific directions on how it was to be built and transported. Inside the Ark was placed The Stone Tablets of  the law, along with a golden pot of mana, and Aron's rod that budded. This Ark carried The Law, The Word of God. 

Under David's rule as King an attempt was made to move The Ark back to Jerusalem.  Instead of searching the law for how this was to be done, David and his men put it on a New Cart and started the journey.  A man died when he reached out to steady the Ark.  The method of transporting The Ark, was on the backs of men.  The new way failed with drastic consequences.

God still carries His Message on the backs of men.  This is God's Way. Certainly we can teach, preach, sing, and testify of the Word of God, but God still seeks to carry His Word through a human vessel. 

We must always be careful not to attempt to carry The Gospel on carts of religion and denominations.  God still anoints individuals to carry His Word.

The method of how The Word is taught and preached, matters. The method being, HOW the messenger delivers what God has given them and this is, as sacred as The Message.

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FB ChristineDyeDymek

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