Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Lets Talk Bible Talk - And ALL The Promises of God Were Fulfilled !

And All God's Promises Were Fulfilled !
Joshua 21:45

We often hear about God's Promises but today when I was driving back from work while on the road with christian  radio on as I usually do, I heard, "Not one of ALL God's Promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled." My spirit soared, and my mind followed while my soul felt just how Great God is !  I knew this would materialize into another message for all who would receive from His Very Heart.

There was no question in my mind that this would be my next message for for Lets Talk Bible Talk. When I run out of inspirations from The Holy Spirit I pray God give me what's on Your Heart, Your Message, and this is it for today.  I also knew this is toooo good for me to keep for myself only. I also fully understand that I have no right to sit on my gifts and leave these dormant, but have every obligation to Christ's Body to encourage, comfort, build up and strengthen with what He provides.


God's Might and Power is evident in His everlasting promise to Israel first laid out in Genesis 12:1,3.  There He Promises He will make Israel into a great nation and will bless them.  Later on in Deut. 30:3-5, God promises to Israel a specific land.  Lets hear what the Stephen in Acts 7 isn't sitting on thinking about whether or not he should speak prophetically what the people needed to be reminded of. He reminded them just befor being stoned to death regarding God's Promise with making Israel into a great nation in the following:

"God your God will restore everything you lost; He'll have compassion on you; he'll come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where you were scattered. Vs. 5 - He will bring you back to the land your ancestors once possessed, it will be yours again."

But lets back up and understand what ALL of God's Promises Fulfilled consisted of.  We want to hear about and I'd rather talk about ALL His Blessings and give minimal time to His Promises of Curses and Punishments for anyone bringing harm to Israel and for those who are not repentant.

So lets to KNOW GOD more and then some, through His Word and the mouths of His Prophets.

Lets understand a few things about the Israelites first. They were founders and first followers of Judaism. According to the Hebrew Bible, the Israelites were enslaved by Egypt before breaking free under the guidance of Moses and returning to the land of Canaan. 

Stephen recounts the history of Israel and names Moses as a prototype of Christ - he testifies of the apostasy in Israel - Stephen's testimony is rejected and he is stoned to death Acts 7:1-68.

God has fulfilled the promises of a land:
Acts 7:1-5 - "the high priests asked, are these things so?
And he (Stephen) said: "The God of Glory appeared to our Father Abraham in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran. He said, leave your country while he was still in Mesopotamia. 'Leave your country and your people, God said, and go to the land I will show you.' So he left the land of the Chaldeans and settled in Harran. After the death of his father God sent him to this land you are now living. God gave him no inheritance here, not even enough ground to set his foot on. But God promised him that he and his descendants after him would possess the land even though at that time Abraham had no child."

God spoke to him in this way: "For four-hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated, but I will punish the nation they serve as slaves; and afterward they will come out of that country and worship me in this place. Then he gave Abraham the covenant of circumcision. And Abraham became the father of Isaac...and Isaac became the father of Jacob and Jacob became the father of the twelve patriarchs."

As the time grew near when God would fulfill His Promise to Abraham, the number of people in Egypt had greatly increased."

Then Moses was born and God's Greater Plan with Promises began with his many years on the "Potter's Wheel," The Master Potter who is known as the God of Abraham, Isaaic, and Jacob, molding and shaping Moses preparing him for a high calling.  He would become  valuable to God for the need of leading God's People out of bondage to slavery, and into their inheritance of The Land of Canaan, the land God had Promised them. But this promise would not be fulfilled for over forty years. Though the Israelites did not have enough faith to enter The Promised Land after 11/days, God worked with them until they were faithful enough to receive their inheritance. 

I emphasized the word received because even with us today many of us know God has promised us a calling while He has been preparing us for for, sometimes decades, but we're just are not seeing it. Could it be because our faith in God to fearlessly do His Will and Plan just has not increased enough to where we can be used by Him for a greater plan than we can't even imagine?  

After all, aren't the needs in our world today in so many ways beyond what has ever before happened in history? Is there a need for a few high callings in 2023 with our nation living under the most barbaric government loving crime, loving the homeless who they encourage to take up root in country now taking over our cities with poverty and disease everywhere they live, loving abortion upon demand and now grieving that their bill for the abortion pill that is able to instantly kill a woman's baby, was redacted with another and stronger bill coming right behind the devil who THOUGHT he could get the blood of countless more babies with this bill, the blood of the most of innocent of all?

But they do not know that God's Promises are being fulfilled through His Word, even now for He says:

"Vengeance is mine..." Deut. 32:35  The Apostle Paul has this to say about God's promises to justify the innocent, and judge the wicked:

"Do not take vengeance my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written, "It is mine to avenge; I will repay says The Lord" Rom. 12:19. This is a promise we have seen fulfilled with Ananias and Sapphira who kept the profits of something sold and it was money that belonged to the church. When the apostle confronted them, they both fell dead, one at a time (Acts 5:1-11).  

God is a God of judgment and justice and those who are not faithful To God and choose sin instead of doing the right they know to do, will answer to God and His vengeance promised. God is Faithful to His Promises as we have seen with Israel. And He remains faithful today with blessings to His faithful and judgment for the unrepented evil doers.

Both blessings and the curses have been fulfilled even though it seemed that God had failed with His Promises those 40/years in the desert, but instead, he was preparing them to receive their inheritance. They surely saw His Promises of punishment as well, where God said He would punish those who mistreat His People Israel, and this was fulfilled when the chariots of Pharaoh and his army were swallowed up by The Red Sea, and they the result of a Promise of God that did not fail. Before the Red Sea, Moses a Voice for God, promised vengeance on the land of Egypt where every first born was killed. God's Promises are fulfilled.

These promises made to Abraham by God were fulfilled and we see Stephen in Acts 7, reminding God's People of what He did for them all those years they wondered in the desert.  He reminded them of promises fulfilled and he was telling them to not forget Israel's history and that God IS Faithful to ALL His Promises (Acts 7).

No psychic, wizard, or witch is able to match the Power of God to Fulfill such promises, promises that found Israel in their Promised Land once they were well-prepared to take it over, remove the giants in the land, build it up, cultivate it and enjoy just how good God is ! 

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