Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Lets Talk Bible Talk - Understanding 1st John 1:10


What You Didn't Research !

Understanding First John 1:10

How many times have we heard this chapter and verse handled incorrectly, slung around as to silence believers who know who they are in Christ, have gained conficence in what they do and say for extensive study of scripture and who do not claim they have not sinned but in no uncertain terms will tell you, that IF we love God we WILL keep His Word and IF we remain faithful we will receive a crown of life Rev. 2:10.  The qualifier is limited to the the faithful not just some of the time but all of the time, and it is not given to ever professing believer but only to the faithful without waivering and Jesus tells us it's not hard to do when we love Him (1Jn. 5:3).
When we see a verse as 1Jn. 1:10 which reads, "If anyone claims he has not sinned he makes God out to be a liar and the truth is not in him," we must ask what's happening with this verse for it's the only verse in serious contrast to what other verses all throughout first and second John have to say.

We read again and again verses like 1Jn. 3:9: "No one who is born of God continues to sin for the seed of God remains in him; he cannot go on sinning because he has been born of God." Again:  1Jn. 3:8 "He who does what is sinful is of the devil ..."

When something of this nature happens where we have every other verse teaching that we cannot keep on sinning for God's seed remains in us, and the one verse that says what 1Jn. 1:10 says, we need to ask, WHO was that verse in the first chapter spoken to?   And Why?

With a little background study of this book - by the way, study bibles help to understand better what we are reading, we find that false teachers had entered the church and they were misleading the flock away from The Gospel of Salvation.  The Gnostics believe that the flesh is inheriantly evil but the spirit is without sin and cannot sin. 

The Spirit's teachings in scripture never do this as we are being transformed as complete with body, soul and spirit.  Paul said he would beat his body to make it his slave bringing into subjection to the power of the Spirit better understood in Romans chapter five and six.  

Believing the flesh is sinful and there is no remedy for mankinds problem of sin, they think themselves sinsless and in no need of repentance or a Savior they've heard about, because their inner man their spirit, they believe is without sin and has no need to be redeemed, no need for The Gospel of Jesus Christ while trying seduce John's church away from the work of the cross.

So they would claim they cannot sin and have no need to change, misleading the church of their dire need to follow The Gospel they were first taught and believed. , What they were essentially doing is mocking the work of the cross as a means of salvation.

But those who are born of God DO NOT continue to sin because they love God and do not want to hurt him while we gain understanding on what sin is and is not.  
Sin is not an oppsy or a mistake. James 4:17 tells us sin is an intent, an outright betrayal against God while not doing the good we know to do. 

Isn't it time we become doers of 2Tim. 2:15 and stop cherry picking verses to get God to agree with us ?  Isn't time we STUDY to show ourselves approved, wise stewards who rightly divide (handling correctly) The Word of Truth?"

* You can find me at: FB ChristineDyeDymek
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