Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Lets Talk Bible Talk - A Higher Call


Chapter 4

From the book, A Higher Call
Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler  
A Brotherhood Borne

The more involved we get into Charlie Brown's WW11 story, the more we can’t help but understand the situation he survived one day, knows nothing to do with mere fate.  The Hand of God was all over this edge of your seat lived-to-tell-story. It involves a situation where a German pilot in WW11, found the opportunity of his life to become known as a true peacemaker never to be forgotten (the situation with opportunity, actually found him).  What he did in the skies five days before Christmas in 1943, is a story like you've never heard before and will stay with you for a endless times. 

As I watched several times the "short" video as it's called, on YouTube of this true story, where the fighter plane - Franz Stigler, was hovering over the bomber plane - Charlie Brown, I couldldn't help but think how the Apache and Blackhawk work in sink as well. 
There is a protocall as well in God's Kingdom, and it is all about spiritual warfare.  That is, if you are wanting to move the tide of  The Spirit's Work in The Chruch, which is what we call - Advancing The Kingdom of God. Advancing God's Kingdom, is a post of it's own, coming soon ! 

The photo below is a Blackhawk in a storm. These helicopters are designed to carry warriors and cargo, not the fighter helicopters the Apache Fighters are carring whatever weapons of war they need and plenty of amunition. They will never allow themselves to be found short for their job and passion, is to cover and protect the foot shoulders in the Blackhawk. 

A clear understanding of what happens when the Apache leave their port while waiting for the Blackhawk to radio in when they are ready to leave but lost their communications, is better understood in another true story called: Loan Survivor. It's hard core so if you cant handle such real life story with many insights that can be applied to  the believer's "spiritual warfare," then leave it to those who can.  For me, I want see through Gods Eyes and apply to our real life of combatting the enemy or our souls.

The Apache Covering, A true  and
highly equippedfighter helicopter, containing mostly weapons and plenty of amunition.  These well-trained (like well-trained in righteousness we as believers must be), coverings, earn their recognition as their job is to protect and cover. They are,
the fear of  God for an enemy

While recognizing the war-torn plane piloted by a very young  American first lieutenant pilot, Charlie Brown, had no rudder and the plane over all was badly damaged from a previous dogfight, The Gift of Peacemaking  thrived through a German pilot- our enemy not ally, with the most unbelievable scenario ever told.  The pilot, Charlie Brown of the US plane could have and should have (according to that artillery pointed right at his head in the airways), been dead.  There'd be no book for us to praise God for what He did through a German pilot who actually risked his life had his superiors ever found out the secret kept by both of these men for 40’years, yet never an opportunity to  talk to one another until four decades later.

Until the time they both sought to find each other - and did, the well-kept secret of the German pilot becoming a brother instead of an enemy with a young man he didn’t even know, had never been told. Had this this German pilot been anyone else other than who he was, a bullet for sure would have killed Charlie Brown. This plot is the very reality of what peace in The Eye of One Storm, looks like.  Stigler, THE PEACE MAKER, delivering God’s most amazing PEACE in a most unsuspecting way, had guns ready to blast this young 21/year old out of the sky, and he was close enough to easily not miss.

mother, father, brother, sister or uncle, saw their loved one Charlie, come home with wide open arms. In his story it goes on to say how he found peace through the healing process of his body, this a different healing kind of storm he had to go through for weeks.  That fight in the air that broke his plane before Stiglers plane approached, found several of his crew dead on the floor of the plane, and others severely injured.  Charlie was not in good physical shape either.

This is a story of A Higher Call  that I am honored to write about and moreso, honored again in that God trusts me with this story, in order to do it justice. 

The fuller story in Chapter 4 of PEACE In The Eye of The Storm which at this time is a work in progress only (hope to have it materialize by Feb. 2024 or sooner), details an edge-of-your-seat page-turner you can't put down.   A Higher Call by Adam Makos is a must read for anyone wanting to know what has never happened before and will most likely, never happen again, between two World War 2 pilots, one a US bomber pilot, the other, A German fighter Ace Pilot who had anticipated the dream of a lifetime -

That Knights Cross every fighter pilot would love recognition for, and it without doubt could have been his this December 1943 day, he passed up for the compassionate Agape Love of God this day, delivered to an enemy ow wartime, but not in his eyes ! In his eyes he saw, a broken helpless brother for which he could help this day at the risk of Treason and he, in front of a firing squad for not doing his job. 

Abraham a Commander of an army and a Prophet first and foremost of God, no doubt having seen in scripture what he sinlessly did with Sarah and Abimelech  - remember he was a Prophet of God set-apart as one living by the Spirit of God (Rom. 8:1-3), free do uphold The Spirit of Christ. 

Find me at:
FB ChristineDyeDymek

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