Friday, August 18, 2023

Lets Talk Bible Talk - Treasures of Poetry

e Still My Soul
We are The Redeemed !

By tranquil waters and a gentle breeze
I'll rest my weary mind;
My soul be still take in your fill
Deliverance will come the Psalmist reminds.

My soul be still.
Oh rest my weary soul.
Peace you'll find in God for sure;
My weary soul He wants to fill
My broken heart He'll Eternally cure.

Be still my soul 
Hope anchored made steadfast and strong;
Find rest my soul and drink of the waters,
This morning's  new with a song.

Rest my soul, be stilled.
In the Presence of The Lord
Drink and be filled.

by Christine Dymek 6/25/05

Footnotes * Psalm 23 * Heb. 6:18-19

The Dance of Our Lives

Relish the Presence of The Living God, 
Taste and see He's so good indeed.
Close your eyes and be still awhile, 
My soul remember you're His, you're freed.

You said YES one day and not in vain,
To the God of the earth and heavens;
Now close your eyes and smell His Presence -
Savor His Richness of Eternal Dividends.

Close your eyes; embrace His Majesty,
Touch Him, be healed, and believe.
"Can't you hear Him say, "Fear not it is I ?"
While equipping for love and good deeds.

In The Presence of The Lord He revives my soul -
And His holiness I've surrendered embraced.
I've rested my soul in Eternal Pleasures,
Like the bride for her lover I ache.

Now I open my eyes, I awake and arise.
I will follow my lover with the dance of our lives.

by Christine Dymek 10/9/05

Footnotes  * Song of Songs is often referred to as, The Love Triangle for it consists of The Bride, The Lover and The Shephard  1:7-8

Harnessed Love
"I have found the one my soul loves" 

Don't go my love
Won't you stay a little longer?
Your Presence my soul consumes this love;
Tenaciously jealous to be Your one and only,
I ache ,I thirst, and hunger. 

Love's passion is a fire without a price,
A flame who can but quench;
It burns in the morn it burns in the night
An eternal flame...without pretense.

I've wondered the city
I've searched the woods
I've been restless and eager for you;
I'll be harnessed to You my love like the mares of pharoah
Steadfast my love, so true.

Don't go my love -
Stay with me don't go.
With vigelance romancing the night
The morning's our prayer - our radient glow.

Stay my love, 
My harnessed love,
Eternal love, my precious dove.

by Christine Dymek 2005

Footnotes:  * Song of  Songs 3:4, * 3: 1-4, * 1:9, * 8:7


Whispers of His Word

You are my love
My only one.
Forever devoted
It's my heart you have won.

The kiss of The Son
His Word enflamed,
And the promise we've kept
Faithfulness to stay.

This union unspeakable
So blessed with song, 
The angels bow down
They've waited so long. 

And now there's rejoicing
Before The Throne of The Lamb,
Sacrificial transforming
Take me as I am.

Like the best wine from the vine is your kiss
A table prepared I won't miss;
My Bride you say, you are so lovely,
You Delight in me to share.

When I kiss you My Bride
I'll whisper My Word,
And with one glance of your eye,
I'll know that you've heard.

With music in our hearts
So intimately graced,
It's the dance of our lives
Setting the pace.

My lovely one, My Eternal One,
For the prize zealously raced.
To My Faithful One I'll whisper My Word
Now, reveal your flawless face.

by Christine Dymek - 10/05
Let Christ Be Magnified !

Footnotes:  * S of S 4:9,  * 1:2,  * 8:7, * 4:7-16  * 1Thes. 5:19 


A Warrior's Song

There was a high priest his geneology unknown
No records no ancestry for he.
Just like it was told in Bethlehem
He was born the Savior of you and me.

Angels spoke in a dream - listen!
Abraham and David's covenant remains.
Ezra knew when intermarriage found sin
That The Messiah's lineage must need to sustain.

The thief came to steal, kill, and destroy,
To stop His Kingdom to come.
Then the Soldiers of God mighty to conquer
Laugh at the wicked when they're on the run. 

As hard as the enemy tried to stop
The New Covenant as Supreme,
With power and might he couldn't top
The blood shed message - to redeem.

Let us praise and worship The Prince of Peace
Whose foe is crushed under feet.

He's The God Almighty not short of this,
He's God and He's worshiped without defeat.

The oppresser thought he did it well
But the garden grave emptied, now tells !

Listen! Isaiah foretold it long ago
And the early church understood.
We'll teach our young and His Kingdom will grow;
And on our hearts He writes His Word - real good.

We'll shake off the dust as we're burried with Him,
But we will, YES WE WILL, testify again.

We will rise up, sit enthroned, and
Without money we're freed.
We're built upon The Rock, the Solid Rock,
We are... The Redeemed.

by Christine Dymek 6/24/05

Footnotes: * Heb. 7:3, 11, 12, * Ezra 9:2, * Matt. 2:16, * Prov. 28:1, * Rom. 6:20, * Rev. 1:7,8,  * Phil. 2:6  *Heb. 1:6, * Isa. 9:6, Heb. 8:10, * Isa. 52:2, Eph. 1:7


The Word Made Alive

Like the ravens You used and Elijah You fed
And the well where the woman you met,
Your word OH God does nourish my soul
It's transforming my person
To KNOW YOU more yet.

"The unfolding of  Your Word is light;"
Understandidng I seek, the past you blot -
You're my one True Love, the fire my heart ignites;
 You're my unquenchable flame, You're all that I'm not.

With increase of measure forever I will
Hide Your Word within my heart;
You know My God I almost fell
But from me you never did part.

When Your Enemy My God oppressed and mocked
You wept with Heartfelt Grief;
How could he do to You My God
What my soul in crises You'd faithfully keep.

Your love so deep my heart you filled,
An "Artesian Well" My God You are;
From the depths of my heart the unspeakable chills,
But You my God are my Knight and Daystar.

You broadened my path; You trained my hands for battle.
Such praiseworthy news I don't silently keep,
I won't sin against You and not tell.

You awakened the  wind of the harsh North 
Then graciously sent a South Wind -
In weakness and triumph You give me worth
I've sought You I've found You and  stole Your Heart again.

With comfort You've shown Your Everlasting Arms;
With prayerful conquest You did train.
For the disheartened I'll reveal you just and wise,
With due reverence to You the enemy's slain.

by Christie Dymek 6/27/05

Footnotes: * 1K. 17:6, * Ps. 19:7  * Rom. 1:2, 4  * Ps. 119:130, 119:24, 119:1, * Ps. 42:7, 
* Ps. 18:34, 37,  * 2K. 7:9, * S of S 4:16,  * 2Cor. 12:9,  *  S of S 4:9, * Col. 1:29,  * Ps. 119:10


Willow The Whisp

(A Rhyme with a Twist)

A dream I might have
A White Elephant's charm;
Oh Will-O'-The-Whisp
You could do me great harm.

You're the prose 
And the knight whose armour shines;
You're the comb so sweet
and the brine.

You are the white pine
The windblast and the wry;
You are what you are
Your evil eye.

Your power is dross
Oh Will-O'-The-Whisp;
My spirit has soared
A rhyme with a twist.

by Christine Dymek 2005

Footnote:  * Another way to describe the christian's adversary.

Footnote: * In folklore, Will-O'-The-Whisp is a spirit which appears in the form of a light
and leads belated travelors astray, often into bogs and marshes. * A white elephant is a burdensom
asset, property or investment - something that has no useful purpose. The term derives from the
old Thai custom of gifting rare, espensive-to-keep white elephants to the monarch.

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