Monday, April 22, 2024

Lets Talk Bible Talk

Daniel 6:16-22

Although we have heard a lot about angels and demons for ions of generations, with our more modern Hollywood versions we learn what God's angels are not. In a nutshell, the only authority to speak accurately about angels and demons is The Bible. Hollywood has gotten it wrong again and again, it's projected a false Jesus in The Chosen who is not The Jesus of  The Bible and the list goes on and on.

When speaking of the realm of God and Satan, that is the realm of Angels and Demons.  We live in a natural world however, so we relate to what we can see with our eyes, hear with our ears and feel and touch.  But there is a supernatural world and that is the world of angels and demons  and they are all around us.  If we could right now pull back the veil and see what God sees, we would see the angels of God at work and the demons at work.

2Kings 6:14-17
In the Book of Kings is a story of Elisha The Prophet who was with his servant Gehazi and they fell asleep.  When they woke up they were surrounded by enemy forces and his servant woke up Elisha, "What are we going to do? Elisha said, "Don't be afraid, those with us are more than with them. Elisha sees his invisible spiritual protection." Then Elisha prayed, "Lord open his eyes so that he may see."  When the servant of  The Lord arose early and went out, there was an army surrounding the city with horses and Chariots."  God removed the veil between heaven and earth to spiritual realm and Elisha's  servant saw the hills in the distance. They were filled with angelic beings and chariots of great strength. Some versions read, chariots of fire. 

In the Hollywood movie The Preacher's Wife, what we are given is a lot of sensationalism regarding an angel supposedly sent from God, but in the bible angels were said to encamp around those who fear God and for purposes of protection and leading a righteous person in the way of the Lord, but man's responsibilities with family matters is never put in the hands of an angel to fix something, as we read in 2Peter 1:3, "God's Divine Power has given us everything for living a godly life through our knowledge of Jesus Christ." 

Lets first look at what angels mean or what one of their main functions are while looking at a biblical example.  When we read in scripture "The Angels of The Lord encamps around those who fear God (Ps 34:7)" we get a picture of those angels Elisha saw with his spiritual eyes while the supernatural gift of discerning of spirits was alive and well working in him at this moment. 

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