Saturday, August 19, 2023

Lets Talk Bible Talk - Spells, Fairy Dust, & Positivity

Spells, Fairy Dust, & Positivity

For ALL you living your lives with the fairy dust of positivity and jars filled with magical spells you breathe on others everywhere you go - these jars representing your hearts that lack redemption with a much needed Savior Jesus Christ, let me say I've been there and done that. The following will explain. One day back in the early 80's having sought God with all my heart and soul, I gave my life to Him and I have never turned back (Lk. 9:62).

In those days, I was like so many who are involved today with what our entire nation is now consumed with, and that is, the occult which is the metaphysical, spiritism and more.  At age 15 I was diverted from anything even close to God's Truth while beguiled with levitations in my home sleep overs, but back then, these were called slumber parties with friends.  But yes, you heard right, levitations which happened only once and never again.

 I can only warn you not to go there !!  What I witnessed with this found me scared and concerned. My mother even had to call an ambulance because some really weird - occultic, things were happening.We clearly were not well-trained and treadidng on territory not belonging to us, was not good.

If this is possible what's next I thought? It was years later I learned what this next was. Astrol projection and bodily levitations that witches do in the woods at a full moon, really happen. And our book stores are loaded with all kinds of books for learning these supernaturan evils that serve no purpose, but to deceive with a false empowerment that eventually, if one continues long enough in this realm of activities, creat a mental illness called : insanity ! You start hearing voices that don't exist, you start following these voices that create more : "Insanity.  You become emotional unstable where the smallest thing will set you off into a frenzy called: insanity, and people cant be around you for long least they begin to start recommending you see a shrink. 

Then you get a shrink who doesn't believe anything of the supernaturnal realm  (they deal with the mind and such) for which christians are involved with much of the time we are awake and even when asleep, for when The Holy Spirit wakes us up to interceed for someone, we, in our right minds, don't waste one second and pray in togues for the many break throughs we've personally known, and can also be tested and proven in the natural real.

For the skeptical or the curous and if you are a christian, do not feed the darkness entertaining this pure evil.  The more I became aware of at a young age that there is something more than the boring mundane realm, the more I was interested in path's like this one.

 I haven't forgotten either the day I was eye to eye with a clairvoyant whose spell I fell under at age 21.  At that time I thought something holy, reverent and of God had come over me for something spiritual happening in this room. I was sitting in a room filled with a most familiar scent of inscense.  It was the same as I knew in the Catholic Church for masses for the dead. There was subtle lighting, candles, Catholic figurines and a large framed picture of Jesus pointing to His Heart, which Catholics call, The Sacred Heart.

It was inflamed as this picture does represent the burning unconditional love Christ's sacrifice represents for all who only come to Him to KNOW HIM more, and then to receive Him with full surrender of their lives.This witch I heard about through my mother, I thought would tell me what I wanted to hear.  I had a boyfriend I had back then who I was obsessed with, and this relationship did teach me the difference between what authentic human love and what is obsession, this beind someone we do not want to marry, or at least until we change. I thought we'd get married one day and I hoped she'd confirm for me that yes, we'd be getting married. But nothing went in that direction and if it had, would had told me he'd be married four times and he is not even a good catch worth waiting for. But no, this psychic, didn't see this for her abilities with knowledge do not have the powers of The Risen Lord and God who does know all and reveals what He wants His Prophets to know when He wants them to know what is His.

Instead she told me about this man I'd meet and what he looked like and that he wore a military uniform. She emphasized he would treat me like a queen and said I'd meet him smmoon.  It was shorly after falling into this spell with this witch that I met this man and after only 5/months of knowing him we got married - the biggest mistake of my life except for the best son and daughter, grandkids and son-in-law that came out of that marriage.  And the only queen I was treated like is how Haman in the bible treated Easter.

If this psychic witch was even close to being the real deal of a witches do, she would have told me to not be so quick to marry him, wait, give the relationship time then make decisions. But then again they are limited, they are not counselors, whey are psychics. But no, she assured me this would be the man for me. She failed again to get it right in that he would abuse, control, keep me hostage, keep me from having friends, making sure no one would would have believed me if I were ever to tell what he was doing behing closed doors, for which I was trapped with no money, friends, no job for staying home with kids to raise and more, and literally trapped with no way out.  God did not do for me what He will do for most believers in their worst of times.  He did not probvide a way of escape.

Since then and only recently I have learned, He will at times, hem in an anointed one for judgment purposes of one whose sin have not yet reached full-measure. Scripture is full of understanding regarding this.  I only knew at the time I was trapped. That God surrounded me with His Preasence which is the Eye of The Storm He drew me into and where I could always find Him, was my "peace that surpassed all understanding."

If I was in control of my life then having grown up to know this as important in the real world, I would not have needed to seek out these witches to tell me what is rarely specific, half at times only, playing on my emotions which in those days I was very emotional when I talked, deep hurt for what others would do as far as rejections, and more. 

Calling up the dead which those deceived with this need to know, they are not getting who they think they are getting such as a dead loved one they can't let go of.  This is the occult realm.

 I wouldn't doubt that those heavily involved in the occult have their own red light districts - black light maybe, for viewing in secluded areas live occult activitie of levitations, incantations, spells and all on video screenes much like those involved in pornography in a red light district do with their choice of sexual activities. Those who enter into this realm are entertaining idolatry and demons who want to appear to you as familiar spirits imitatating a deceised loved one, or appear as someone living you might know as happened to me once (Isa. 19:3, Lev. 20:6, 2K. 23:24, Deut. 18:11).

Involvements with these kinds of things mentioned in this blog, is placing your trust in everything God destroyed nations for, everything that is an abomination to Him.

Wars were fought as God equipped His Anointed leaders with all they needed to destroy the works of darkness over these nations, and they were commanded to wipe them out COMPLETELY, not taking any wealth or spoils for themselves, least they too be destroyed. Achan, a soldier in God's Army of God on a mission to take down the walls of Jerico, was severely dealt with by God for taking the spoils for himself.  These were supposed to be dedicated to God and Achan was an Israelite meaning, and this can and should be applied to Christians as well, those who belong to God should never covet what is not ours and Joshua 7 talks about this indepth.  I will be posting an entire message on this site from capter 7 soon.

Achan fought the battle of Jericho with Joshua to wipe out the wickedness of this city, then he goes and covets something that was not his, specifically set-apart as belonging to God!  God said, do not take any of these spoils for yourself.

 Obedience to God is paramount !  And this was wartime as well with a specific mission God had in mind.  Obeying God is first and foremost.

So how does this shortie here about Achan and Jericho mesh with fairies, the occult, spells, psychics and more?  It it the same thing with what is consuming our nation today, it's ALL the occult realm, all BETRAYAL OF GOD no matter how much you try to minimize what you are doing. Blowing fairy dust with spells, yes you are placing spells on others who fall into your hands being built up with positive energy that God is not in.  Being encouraged with something He is not blessing, is placing a mesmerizing spell on the broken, the weak, the abused, the misled, confuled, eager to fall under your positivity spell at that. You just might be the first person who ever reaffirmed them with positivity.  However, if you are a professing christine doing this you really need to consider fully committing your life to Jesus Christ, for you are grosely misleading the vulnerable victims of your cotton candy magic and charms.

 All your jars of fairy dust and magic saved for that perfect spell, you need to cast out of your life now, the sooner the better. As you move forward into God's Territory if you are wanting to have a closer walk with Him, serious consequences are warned all throughout scripture for those practicing their ungodly craft of positivity apart from God's Word, is one of these.  Even nothing more than shallow positivity without biblical reinforcement I s a stench to a Holy God who wants an intimate relationship with us.

If it's not God's Positivity from His many jars of bible verses of encouragement blown around with The Breath of God which is happening right here on this post, what you have in your hand is nothing short of your ticket to hell.

Find Me At FB:ChristineDyeDymek




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