Thursday, August 31, 2023

Lets Talk Bible Talk - Understanding "Meek and Lowly"

What Did Jesus Mean when He said "I am Meek and Lowly?"

Matt. 11:28-29

Definition of Meek in Biblical terms:  "Power under Control." This means two things 1) Refusal to inflate our own self-estimation;  2) Reticence to assert ourselves for others. Paul captures the first aspect perfectly in Romans 12:3. "For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of yourself more highly than yo ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith God has assigned.  Meek people see themselves as servants of God. To be meek is to accept our strengths and limitations for what they truly are, instead of constantly trying to portray ourselves in the best possible light.  But it does not mean we should deny our strengths and limitations for what they truly are.

When Jesus was asked if He was The Messiah, He replied:  "The blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the poor have good news brought to them. And blessed is anyone who takes no offense at me (Matt. 11:4-6)." He had neither an inflated self-image nor an inferiority complex, but a servant's heart based on what Paul would later call "sober judgment (Rom. 12:3)."

In the Old Testament Numbers 12:3, Moses was the meekest man on earth. He was the only person that the Old Testament describes this way. We tend to think of meekness as mousy and quiet, lacking in opinions and backbone.  Since Moses is described as meek though, what this tells us is, we must STUDY to show ourselves wise stewards (Grk. administrators) of the Word of God, rightly dividing (or correctly handling), the Word of Truth.  It tells us that scripture must have a different understanding of the word meek that even the mares of Solomon were referred to.  These mares were so submissive to it's handlers mere tap of the reigns that they were so well-trained to do and go where they were directed, meek and humble to the right voice and we too  can learn so much from this teaching of Solomon as well. 

Moses' meekness compels us to act when God and His Word are dishonored and also to be humble before Him, putting the interests of God's People above our own interests  (Deut. 9:25).

When our own wills grow more and more alongside God's Will, we decrease and He increases (Jn. 3:30)." His priorities become ours and we can submit to hard providences in a way that surpasses all understanding.  "in our own souls is some conformity to the God of Peace (Mathew Henry)."  This kind of conformity can also be likened to The Peace In The Eye of The Storm" when our storms of life appear to outsiders as out-of-control

It's been said, PEACE is Power Under Control as is the meekness of Jesus when He let us know where His Power comes come from, and that is, when having learned to be meek and lowly without becoming a wimp lacking conformity to The Will of God, we are then guided by The Eye of God  (Ps. 32:8) and no longer led with bit and bridle (James).

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FB ChristineDyeDymek

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