Sunday, August 27, 2023

Lets Talk Bible Talk - Judgment Begins With The House of God



Judgment Begins With The House of God  - 
1Peter 4:17  

How can we as followers of Jesus Christ place emphases on judging a corrupt governor as we have in California for one, when countless numbers of churches throughout the state need a make over such as removing the swamp of false pastors, teachers and leaders for starters ?  

The foundations of these who are shaking hands with the devil and giving way to false teachers and prophets appeasing the itching ears of all who are not serious about The Gospel of Jesus Christ, need their strongholds demolished their foundations restructured God's Way.  When those responsible for a downfall of a church - Capital Christian Center Sacramento, Cal. making the headlines recently regarding incapable handlers of The Word of God and  who are pastors, teachers and leaders don't prioritize the
 uncompromised Word of God as Truth, are now being pegged as those corrupting our very own state of Christian Churches and our nation as well.  

So why should a governor of any given state DO RIGHT when our churches think nothing of SIN?

When the leaders of our churches don't teach and preach AGAINST SIN as the problem they are having with taking less than the narrow path of fruitfulness and eternal value of continuous growth God's Way, they become the stench in the nostrils of God. What's been in the news these past couple months in Sacramento, Ca. regarding one of our mega churches, Capital Christian Center, should never have happened.

 2Tim. 2:15 is
 foundational while creating a hunger for God's Word in the process

We often hear regarding those who judge: "Those who judge will never understand those of us who don't judge." This, another lie from the serpents mouth who would have no grounds if our local and not so local churches were vigilant with RIGHT teaching.

The removal of all those proven guilty for what has been done within God's Sanctuary and church as a whole, and consequences to follow, is not optional !!  Such a process is in the works, for CCC will not be having any further services, but have placed themselves under the ministry of Greg Farrington of Destiny Christian Church in Rocklin. As he has said, he will not be taking on any of the debt of CCC and he has made clear, he is not doing this out of any kind of obligation but for a need to be filled. Pastor Greg has also made it clear, he will continue services at Destiny, the dynamics of how this will all come together have been strategically organized and only a great administrator for which Greg Farrington is well-known for, could pull this off.

The below quote is another lie from the pit of hell.  Lets get it right or step down from whatever you are are teaching and preaching using this lie and often scripture taken out of context to try to back this and get God to agree with you.

Lets DO IT RIGHT or don't do it at all. This quote below better not be happening in our churches as to appear to have God's stamp of approval.
Jesus said, IF  you love me you WILL obey my Word and my commands are not hard to do, He emphasized (1Jn. 5:1-5). This is referring to the moral law of God, not the mosaic law and is further understood by Rom. 8:1-3, and Gal. 5:18.

We know if we have studied the themes of each of the New Testament Churches in the bible, that there are differences and this happens for the culture of each location and of followers, as well as to the specific and targeted needs of a given Body of Believers. Let the same be said of what God wants to do with this fallen church, and no one - let me say it again, NO ONE and I don't care how loyal you want to remain to wrongs done and those who might have even been your friends involved with a whole lot of coverups happening, God's Judgment is at hand, and you just may be an accessory to a spiritual crime for things you knew happening and did not bring it to the attention to the right authorities. 

At the expense of Truth and DOING The Will of God with hard things, no one will escape His Judgment of known financial and/or sexual sins ignored way too long.  You better DO the right thing you know to do in any such downfall instead. This is not a suggestion. Here's what God has to say about this: 

The duty of a watchman in The Old Testament or, today which would be that wise steward  (administrator Grk.) of God's Word as a prophet/pastor would do (2Tim. 2:15) is in general declared in Eze. 33:1-6. The sum of whose business it is to warn the wicked man of his outright betrayal against God - called sin, and the consequences of doing or not doing it, is expressed in Ez.33:8-9, an objection of the people and the prophet's answer to it.

Ez. 3:18-19  "But if you do warn the wicked (anyone who sins with intent to harm or cover up a spiritual crime) person and they do not turn from their wickedness or from their evil ways, they will die for their sin; but you will have saved yourself.

Scriptures says, God is not fond of those trying to serve man and Him both. In fact, it's called doublemindedness, or worse yet, such a person is lukewarm.  These are neither hot nor cold and He will spit you out - Rev. 3:16.

The only way God would give His Stamp of approval where sin in any given church has occurred is if there is open repentance where open sin such as a financial bankruptcy pointing to mismanagement of God's Monies or other, took place.  This includes far more than "I'm Sorry." It includes restitution and remorseful heartfelt CHANGE.  A change you make a point of, letting all those wronged know you are sincerely remorseful, and this obvious longevity of change, your living testimony.  

Sometimes an entire make-over of pastors and leaders who are piloting a plane of mismanagement to say the least, need a swamp kind of chopping block removal. 

Yes, the few not guilty and who've reported the fallen church disaster to expose it, feeling utter remorse and shame themselves for what they knew was happening in their body of believers - its leaders specifically hiding sin for years only for it to accumulate to what we've read in the Sacramento Bee these past couple months or so, will receive the mercy of God when a closer evaluation of details are examined.  

However, for anyone knowing what was happening in all areas of serious sins starting with church pastors and leaders of this church or any others like it suffering from the anguish of sin and not speaking up to the right people qualified to make a difference and turn this plane around, can and will ruin the whole batch. It appears with Pastor Greg taking over and Destiny having church in Capital Capital Christian's Sanctuary, that already some major clearing away of the swamp has happened.  The already ruined batch of the whole batch, with so many leaving the church which would certainly contribute to the Bankruptcy shame now exposed, certainly appears to be working itself out with a well-proven and tested pastor/prophet on board as the head pastor of both, CCC and Destiny.   

When a church goes into bankruptcy, the statement the world hears is, why didn't their God step in and in His Own Ways create the finances needed, so to not incur such a black mark on them and their church?  Hiding sin and telling victims of sexual abuse with lawsuits going on now, to not tell or else, with ongoing sins and lies that have snow-balled weakening the innocent of God's Flock just standing in the way getting wind of all this, will see nothing less than a Titanic kind of disaster that never should have happened.  A church now under water and a pastor that most likely has prayed "God give me the hill country" of hard things no one else would even consider touching while picking up the pieces of brokenness to make something great out of it, has no ulterior motives than to magnify The Living Risen Lord and God in the process. It's what, an authentic Pastor Prophet does.

When church pastors and leaders have little by little let known sins snowball, a catastrophe will always be the end of the story.  Can God make something good of this?  He most definitely could.  It would take getting the right pastor and team of one voice, heart and mind involved.  Filling the gap CCC has left and sheep wondering here and there looking for green pasture to feed on, would require a holy strategic move forward. 

As the Holy Spirit leads Pastor Greg and Cathy and as their track record encourages, it's a sure game changer benefiting both, CCC followers of Greg's lead, and Destiny CC, Rocklin, California.        

         Here's what The Kingdom of God is like: Mathew 25:1-4

"Then shall The Kingdom of God be likened to ten virgins which took their lamps, and went forth to meet The Bride Groom.  And five of them were wise and five were foolish."

You can find me at:
FB -ChristineDyeDymek

*This site and post are still under construction. Please be patient with imperfections as change is coming soon with fine-tuning this site.

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