Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Lets Talk Bible Talk - What Does a Great Leader Look Like?


An Artist's view of Caleb and Moses at Mt. Hebron

                      WHAT DOES A GREAT LEADER LOOK LIKE?   

I am going to highlight Caleb because he's one of my bible hero favorites, for many reasons. At 85 years old here's what he said to to Moses: 

 "Now give me the hill country that the Lord promised me that day.  You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but The Lord helping me, I will drive them out (Joshua 14:12)."  He didn't need a choir of encouragers to spread positivity. He knew who he had fought and lived for, with victory, so all he needed to do was drive out the Anakites as he said he would do.  

From the texts it is evident that Caleb's faith remained strong when he received the land forty-five years after first spying out Canan.  

We don't hear Caleb saying, oh but I'm 85 years old and I need to be thinking about retiring, do we?  Not with this warrior of God we don't and it's most likely God kept him in good health for the calling that was also upon his life.  

I always say, when we are called to something God will equip for the ministry ahead.

It was in the aftermath of the conquest of Canan, Caleb asks Joshua to give him a mountain property - Hebron, within the land of Judah. Joshua blesses him with a sign of God's blessing and approval.  

Because Caleb's faith did not waiver and he served God wholeheartedly we are told, Caleb knew what God had called and equipped him for.  The only thing that was missing for this GREAT Leader, was God's blessing and approval.

We don't want to forget other Great Leaders with the space here to do so.

Noah's faith was one that he too likely was looked upon as out of his mind for there was not a sign of rain any where, it had never rained before. And to the people looking on constantly as spectators heckling him, it was taking way too long  as well.  He lived with the mockers and nay-sayers while working on the ark, but none of that set him back, not the least.

This is what a Great Leader looks like. They persevere by The Spirit because they know Him who they have believed.  They are those whose faith and faithfulness to God surely wins them the Crown of Life we read about in Rev. 2:10, given to only those who have remained faithful unto death.  

There are so many more GREAT Leaders.  These had hearts of passion in common, they had vision and they saw what it would take to win that prize of a higher calling, and pursured in that direction.  

Believers with something in their lives for which they are passionate for, are often looked upon with advice such as, "You need help" meaning, you are not in your right mind or one taco short of a dozen is how these ignorant ones see those doers of The Word who thrive with an intensity of purpose they lack.

These people who cannot see what God sees in those we should be supporting instead of tearing down and judging what they do not not know, are usually those with no passion for something and little to no vision. Of course, strong leaders as Noah and Caleb would be mocked and rejected by small minds who just don't get those who stop at nothing, striving for the prize of their high calling. But then the day came where they had a wake up call. For Noah's mockers, they didn't even have time to think about it when the rains came. They were not even considered with value for building the new life and land before them.

Here are many other noteworthy GREAT  Leaders:

Josha - The leader of the Israelite tribes after the death of Moses, who conquered Canaan and distributed it's lands to the 12 tribes.

Moses - Often cited as an example of servant leadership. He demonstrated a deep love for God and others. The list of leadership traits ascribed to Moses include: Humility, empathy and heroism, patience, self-reflection chaisma, and wisdom. He saved the Israelites from slavery and led them to God's Promised Land.

It should be of great interest to us that the overall characteristic that the author chooses to encompass Mose's leadership with is, faithfulness.

The author of Hebrews chooses him in a long list of possible candidates to compare to Jesus.

Abraham - He was called by God to leave his country and his people and journey to an undesignated land, where he became the founder of a new nation. In Judaism, he is the founding father of the special relationship betwen the Jews and God; In christianity he is the spiritual progenitor of all blievers.

How many of us would leave everything we had and just go without knowing our destination? The concept of family meant everything in the time of Abraham, family units wre knit together as strong. It was unusual for family members to live hundred miles away from each other, which shows us what real faith is, and Abraham is known as The Father of Faith for the Jews, Christians and Muslims.

One of the best known stories about Abrahan is that he trusted God enough to be willing to sacrifice his son if God wanted him to do so. Abraham was already an old man when God promised him a son. He was old before he even began his journ with God. 

James refers to Abraham as God's Friend, a title used of no one else in scripture - 2:23  Although we know much about Abraham's life, we know little about his birth and early life. When we first meet Abraham, he's already 75/yrs old. Interestingly, in today's world few only see themselves as old at 75.

With people living past 90 and up today, some with little to no physical hardships keeping them from being mobile, holding an intelligent conversation, no dementia, or basically any major ailments that handicap them, 75 is not old to some of us today.  

Samual - He plays a key role in the transition from the biblical judges to the United Kingdom of Israel under Saul, and again in the monarchy's transiton from Saul to David. He is venerated as a prophet in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Samual was the last judge and perhaps the most upright of Israel.
He was a miracle child
He is from the tribe of Levi
Samual anoints the first two kings of Israel, Saul and David
He was the first of the prophets
He was a priest
He was a Nazarite
Two books in the bible are named after Samual.
1Sam. 1-28

David  - Perhaps David's biggest claim to fame was his legendary showdown with the Philistine giant, Goliath. The Isralites and Philistine armies lined up on the opposing hills, Goliath taunted the Israelites and challenged them to decide the battle with a duel: him against one of them (1Sam. 17:8-11).

The story of David and Goliath has been told so man times through literature and art that David, Goliath and their confrontation have all become cliched symbols for underdogs, brutal antagonists, and stories for overcoming impossible odds. 

But in the bible, this isn't an underdog story. It's a story of faith. David's faith would become one of his defining charastics, and it led him to overcome countless enemies after Goliath. Defeating Goliath marked the beginning of David's life as a warrior. Whereever Saul sent David, God went withh him, and he was successful.  And the more successful David became, the more responsibility Saul gave him.  1 Samual Chapter 17

We will learn more about these following GREAT Leaders. Stay tunned.

Deborah - She was the only femaile judge, the only one to be called a prophet, and the only one described as performing a judicial function. Deborah is a decisive figure in the defeat of the Canaanites. This is a victory told in two accounts, a prose narrative in Judges 4 and a poem known as  The Song of Deborah in Judges.
We learn more about Deborah in the full chapters of  4, 5.

Gideon - He was the son of Joash, from the Abiezrite clan in the tribe of Manassseh and lived in Ephra. As a leader of the Israelites he won a decisive victory over a Midianite army despite a vast numerical disadvantage, leading a troop of 300 valiant men.

Why Did God choose Gideon as a leader?  Gideon was a leader with insight, he had wisdom to see the issues, and vision to see what lied ahead. God gave him wisdom into the weak hearts of the Midianites. Gideon led with convidence ant the men were willing to follow him with conficence. Judges Chapter 6

John the Baptist - He was a strong and humble leader. He proclaimed that repentance and forgiveness mattered.  He proclaimed a baptism of fogiveness and He even baptized Jesus.
John The Baptist was a strong and humble leader. Deep humility and obedience characterized his life.

Prophets of old, Isaiah and Malachi both spoke of his coming.  For 400/yrs. there had been silence between the Old and New Testaments, and then John came to prepare the Way for the Lord.
Matt. 3:1-12

Peter - Jesus identifies Peter as The Rock upon which He will build His Church. He is known to deny Jesus 3 times. He was the first apostle to go see Jesus at the empty tomb. Peter took on a leadership role in the early church just after Jesus' ascension into Heaven. Matt. 16

Paul - He is considered to be the most important person after Jesus in the history of christianity.  His epistles have had enormous influence pm christian theology, especially on the relationship between God The Father and Jesus, and on the mystical human relationship with the divine. 

He was sensitive to the needs of others, and he had affection for people.  He demonstrated authenticity.  He was enthusiastically affirming. He preached the death, resurrection and the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  He proclaimed that faith in Jesus guarantees a share in His Life.  

John - Church tradition holds that John was the only apostle to die of old age.  Before Jesus died on the cross He entrusted His mother Mary to the care of John - assuming John actually is the beloved deciple (Jn. 19:26-27). When Mary died John went to Epheses and wrote his three epistles. 

Naaman - He was a commander of an army in Syria.  He was a Great Commander/Leader because of the victory God brought to him. Yet, Naaman was a leper.  His wife had a servant girl who said that a prophet in Syria would be able to heal him. She had been kidnapped but she knew of the prophet Elisha (2K. 5:14). 

The take-a-way from this emotionally packed story is, trust is about submitting and applying before you understand. Trust is about laying your pride aside, listening wise counsel  and receiving God's provision - His Way.  

Naaman had to learn that God did not heal him because he was an important leader or because he had valuable gifts to give. The Lord healed him because God is good, and God wants people to KNOW HIM.

Jabez - He is implied to be an ancestor of the kings of Judah althought not explicitly included in the lineage. Jabez's most important action was to conquer new territory with divine sanction.

Mordecai - His loyalty and bravery are highlighted in the story as he helps Esther foil the ;lot of Haman, the king's Vizier.  Mordecai's actions are rewarded by the king, and he is appointed as vizier. 
Esther chapter 6

Josiah - He is credited by most biblical scholars with having established or compiled scriptures during the "Deuteronomic reform" which probably occured during his rule. He became king of the Hingdom of Judah at the age of eight, after the assassination of his father, King Amon.

There was never a king like "Josiah."  His wholeheartedness returned to faithfulness to The Mosaic Covenant, combined to use his leadership influence and authority to call others to return to God.  He was spiritually sensitive to The Word of God and he excersized discernment when understanding The Word.  He aimed for a deep inner experience with God for himself and others. 

His greatest achievement was the sweeping reforms he implimented in Judah, which included the restoration of The Temple and the re-establishment of the Passover celebrations.  He also removed pagan idols and altars in the land and enforced the laws of The Torah.

Ehud - He is the son of Gera the Benjamite. He is an Israelite hero who delivered Israel from 18 yreas of oppression by the Moabites. 
A left-handed man, Ehud tricked Eglon , king of Moab, and killed him.

Combined with his almost reckless courage, cunning strategy and obedience to deliver God's Message, Ehud's seemingly weakness became his greatest strength.  Had he been a mighty warrior, Eglon would never have agreed to see him alone. Had he been able bodied, he could never had smuggled in a sword. 
Judges 3:12-41

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Please be patient with perfections.

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